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Ivory Coast Religion

Ivory Coast's Diverse Religious Landscape: A Blend of Islam, Christianity, and Syncretism

Islam: A Growing Influence

Islam is the largest religion in Ivory Coast, with the majority of Muslims following the Sunni branch and adhering to the Maliki school of thought. Sufism, a mystical branch of Islam, is also practiced by a significant number of Ivorians.

Christianity's Presence

Christianity, primarily Catholicism and Protestantism, is the second-largest religion in the country. While not as widespread as Islam, Christianity has a strong presence in urban areas.

Religious Syncretism and Non-Religious Beliefs

A growing trend in Ivory Coast is religious syncretism, where elements of different religions are blended together. This is particularly common in rural areas, where traditional African beliefs and practices are combined with Christianity and Islam.

Approximately 2% of Ivorians do not follow any recognized religion, while Buddhism, Sikhism, and the Bahai Faith account for a small percentage of the population.
